The Project: Onshore Section 6 of 6
14. Please order the issues that you consider to be the most important in relation to the onshore impacts of the wind farm. Please number each one 1 - 10, (1 being the most important to you, and 10 being the least important)
While all of these topics are important and will be considered as part of our planning process, it is useful; to see what the local community considers most important and relevant. Onshore ecology was found to be of the most concern, followed by land use and contamination and water quality and flood risk. The graph gives and overview of all the responses.

15. Please include details on why you have chosen these issues
In explaining their rankings of the issues, respondents tended to class them as either short term (traffic, noise) or longer term (local economy, visual impacts). Here is a summary of the rationale for the top ranking topics:
Onshore ecology: Birds and wildlife were highlighted by numerous people as their key concern with high expectations on the project to protect and mitigate any impacts on them.
Land use: This was second in the ranking with varied reasoning including how the substation will look, being sensitive to the surrounding locale, maintaining woodland and ensuring no contamination.
Flood risk: Erosion and flood risk were mentioned under this category with numerous respondents confirming the fact the area has issues with both, hence their concern about any impacts which could contribute and the need to mitigate. Water quality in terms of being able to freely enjoy sea swimming was also included.